News, Articles, and Insights


Timely Alert for CPA/PFS Investment Advisors

Start now with a powerful new way to recruit investment clients from your tax client base. Recruiting investment advisory clients from among your own tax return clients can be explosively supercharged with the ProRRT℠.

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RITA℠ Is Now Here.  Are You Prepared for “The RITA Effect℠”?

That’s “good news” for investment advisors using the ProRRT℠ – Rita℠ could prove to be a source of new clients. Early in our development of our Professional RapidReview Tool℠, one of the people assisting us in new business development (let’s call him “Albert”) called to ask if I would be willing to meet online with his

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“MoneyBall” For Mutual Fund & ETF Selection

Let the ProRRT℠ help improve your investment selection the way “MONEYBALL” forever changed baseball player selection. What’s “MONEYBALL”? It’s not just the name of a very popular movie which, if you haven’t yet seen, you should.

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