Navigating Sharply Declining Markets Using the ProRapidReview℠ Tool
In a rapidly declining market, how can you determine which mutual funds and ETFs are better positioned or are adjusting better to deal with the rapidly changing…
In a rapidly declining market, how can you determine which mutual funds and ETFs are better positioned or are adjusting better to deal with the rapidly changing…
If you’re looking for some independent evaluation of how well our technology works for new client recruitment, please take a look at a now published story about one advisor’s experience using the ProRRT℠.
DTC’s Professional RapidReview Tool℠ “ProRRT℠” now makes online meetings with client a competitively advantaged and more profitable preferred choice.
Start now with a powerful new way to recruit investment clients from your tax client base. Recruiting investment advisory clients from among your own tax return clients can be explosively supercharged with the ProRRT℠.
Having too many choices and too much information about them can make deciding which to choose paralyzingly difficult, if not practically impossible.
That’s “good news” for investment advisors using the ProRRT℠ – Rita℠ could prove to be a source of new clients. Early in our development of our Professional RapidReview Tool℠, one of the people assisting us in new business development (let’s call him “Albert”) called to ask if I would be willing to meet online with his